Mewtwo Discord Bot
Mewtwo is a random Discord bot made by PrincessLillie#2523. Some people like it, but I'm not sure why!
The bot has a rather random set of commands, and is built in Python under Nextcord.
The command prefix is >
. To run a command, you must begin a message with >
General Commands
Get the help message that probably linked you here>nsfwhelp
Get the help message for NSFW commands ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)>info
Info about the bot>ping
Pong! Returns the bot's latency.
Aliases: >pong
Gets the avatar for a specified user. If no user is specified, your avatar is sent instead.
Aliases: >avy
Searches Google for a specified query and returns the first result.
Aliases: >g
, >gsearch
Searches YouTube for a specified query and returns the first result. Currently broken, Google cut off my access to the YouTube Data API.
Aliases: >yt
, >ytsearch
Returns the first definitions for all variants of a word from the unofficial Google Dictionary API, with usage examples if applicable.
Aliases: >definition
, >dictionary
Shows information about the server.
Aliases: >serverinfo
Fun Commands
I'll say whatever you want me to!
Aliases: >say
Hello there.>f
Press F to pay respects.
Aliases: >respects
Posts some cute as heck Sylveon art!>meloetta
Posts some cute as heck Meloetta art!>derpibooru
Gets a random safe image from Derpibooru that matches the provided query.
Aliases: >derpy
Hug someone and brighten up their day!>cuddle
Snuggle with someone!
Aliases: >snuggle
Kiss someone! Show them your love!
Aliases: >smooch
Give someone headpats!
Aliases: >pats
, >pet
Gets information for a Nintendo Switch game. Command retired; The API used for this command has shut down.
Aliases: >nsl
, >ns
, >switch
Gets the first definition for a word from Urban Dictionary.>pokedex
Gets information for a specified Pokémon. If a Pokémon has multiple forms, every form will be posted. Uses the Pokédex API by PokéDevs.
Aliases: >pokemon
, >pkmn
Gets information for a specified Amiibo. Uses the AmiiboAPI.>bunny
Posts a random image of a bunny. Uses the bunnies.io API.
Aliases: >rabbit
Other Commands
Submit a bug report if anything goes wrong.>suggest
Want to see something added to the bot? Suggest it!
Invite Mewtwo to your server
You want to use Mewtwo in your server? Cool!
I've prepared two invites: The invite and the minvite. What's the difference?
The invite invites Mewtwo with the administrator permission. This is done to ensure that if we add a new command in the future and it needs a new permission, the server admins don't have to mess with role permissions to get it working. It generally makes the end user experience as streamlined as possible.
The minvite invites Mewtwo with the minimum permissions it needs to fully function. This invite link is for those who are incredibly conscious about their server security and don't trust bots with administrator permissions.
Thanks for adding Mewtwo!
Mewtwo's been added to your Discord server! You should be able to use it immediately. You can find a list of usable commands on this website. I hope you enjoy using Mewtwo!If you're done here, you may close this window.